Opening Registrations - Clubs

Participating In Registrations

To set up Registrations to your club for a new competition that you are participating in, complete the following steps. Association may submit teams, such as rep teams in a competition run by another association, they would also follow these steps to open Registrations for that competition they are participating in.


This is not at Association level - that will be done by the Association separately before the clubs can complete their own.

1. Navigate to the Registration module

2. Underneath the heading Participating in Registrations, you will find the relevant competition that the Organisation has invited you to register to. Click on it.

You will see that all of the details in the first three tab headings (Details, Membership, Registration Groups) have been greyed out. These have been set at the Organisation level and cannot be changed.

3. Underneath the Fees tab heading, put in any fees that the Club wishes to charge it's members. 

- Deposit Fees are always charged in full at Registration

- Competition/Program Fees can be paid via Instalments or at a match, depending on the options the Competition Organiser has chosen

- the fees are excl GST, so the GST column will populate automatically. If your club is not registered for GST, enter $0 in the GST column

4. Click Next (twice)

Payment Methods and Options cannot be changed, as they are selected at the Organisation level. However, Clubs can offer Payment Plans to their members.

5. Select Discounts the Club would like to offer, ensuring to fill in all possible details carefully. If the Organisation has opted to accept Government Vouchers, then this option will be available at your Club level too.

6. Click Next 

This will automatically take you to the start of creating your Registration Form - see separate resource HERE