Adding Team Managers and Coaches - Teams Module

Navigate to Teams Module > Select +Create Participant.  

Please check current users in the system prior to creating the participant to ensure you are not creating a duplicate profile.  Using the same details in the current profile will ensure this doesn't happen.  

Select +Create Participant. For users linked to the current competition select Existing user linked to XXX.  Enter the name, email, phone number or ID and select profile, Add Participant. 

To add a coach or manager to more than one team.  Select the Role to show all coaches and toggle off Show only Unassigned, simply drag and drop the profile to another team. Repeat as necessary. 

To Unassign a Team Manager or Coach from the team, click on the 'number' under the C and M column to display the assigned people, and unassign as required. 

To add a manager, coach, other official who is new to the competition, select New. Enter all required fields. Please note the Date of Birth and External Player ID are not required fields.  

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