Offline Refund Required

The Netball Connect Dashboard shows the number of Offline Refunds Required. These are the de-registrations for payments requiring a refund that are past 90 days or have failed for other reasons. This is a bank requirement, not a Netball Connect or Netball Vic requirement and needs to be process out of the system. 

Associations or Clubs should contact the user stating the refund due to them has not been successful and must be processed out of Netball Connect.  Banks have a requirement that Direct Debit refunds older than 90 days cannot be processed electronically and these must be settled through other means outside of Netball Connect, either through a cheque, bank transfer or other means of your choice.  

Once the payment has been settled offline, click on the record under the Offline Payment card, the three action dots, and select Refunded Offline. This will remove the record from the dashboard.

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