Our Organisation - Contacts

It is a requirement of affiliation with Netball Victoria that Association, League and Club organisation contact information is regularly updated and to ensure administrators and key personnel information is current and accurate in Netball Connect. 

Ensuring your organisation data remains current allows NV to communicate effectively and efficiently, targeting specific messages for specific key personnel i.e. a NetSetGO communication may only need to be sent to the NSG Centre coordinators.

To update, navigate to the User Module > Administrators > Our Organisation > Contacts. Regularly visit this page to add, update or remove Key Personnel as required.  To add or remove Administrators please follow the process here

Each affiliate is required to add Key Personnel roles such as committee members and other personnel to the Contacts page. Administrators need to add Organisation Role Emails and Organisation Roles to their Administrators as well as adding this information to all other Key Personnel Roles. These roles can be added with No Admin Access if required, which ensures those key personnel roles can be communicated relevant information but doesn't give access to the organisations administration panel in Netball Connect.

Scroll down to the heading Organisation Role Email - enter the relevant email. If this email is the same as their log in email please also enter this in the Organisation Role Email box as well.

The Permission Level allows you to select the level of access for this user:

  • Admin - grants the user access to all levels of the Association/League
  • Web Admin Umpires – access to the umpire platform
  • Web Admin Finance – access to the finance platform
  • Web Admin Team Sheet - access to scorecards
  • User Read Only - no personal information available
  • No Admin Access

 Scroll to the bottom of the screen and select Update to save the changes.